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Missouri Valley Jags prides itself on being a fun, safe environment for children to come experience everything involved in gymnastics. We hope everyone who steps through our doors has the best experience possible!

Open Gym is on Saturdays from 1-3 pm and Sundays 6-8 pm. Costs $6. This is offered for children ages 6 & up at the big gym who are wanting to work on improving their skills. All equipment is open to participants, so they can come have fun while progressing.

Missouri Valley Jags offers birthday parties for age 2-18. We provide all paper goods and punch. Our parties are 1.5  hours ad cost $105 including tax for up to 10 kids. Each additional child is $3. 

Activities Waiver

Anyone particapating in any activity at Missouri Valley Jags must have a signed waiver on file to be on the equipment. Participants must be signed in by a parent prior to participation or they will not be allowed in the gym area. If someone else is taking your child to the gym please come by and fill out the waiver prior to the event.

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